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Author: Charlie Fern
Charlie Fern Ink, LLC, is a strategic communications consultancy that provides services including public relations and publicity, tour and media management, strategic message development and deployment, media relations and media training, executive coaching, speech writing and public speaking coaching, event planning, social media strategy; cross-platform branding, and professional writing and editing with areas of expertise that include international relations, business, and diplomacy; government, education, non-profit/advocacy, music and entertainment, healthcare, biotech, technology, social media, entrepreneurial/startup and general professional communications.
TED video on Twitter…have you seen it?
Twitter on TED:
Four Public Servants and Three Hours on a Tuesday: one of the most rewarding panels I’ve ever moderated
While the rest of the nation was watching President Obama’s State of the Union speech last week, I was moderating a rare and powerful panel discussion on the importance of public relations in government at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas.
One panelist had an additional challenge – she’s a state legislator. In Texas, the state legislature meets for 140 days every other year, and our biennial legislative session is currently underway. Dr. Diane Patrick, a rising star in the Texas House of Representatives (from Arlington), set aside her busy legislative schedule, a committee meeting, and time with her family to join us. Rep. Patrick serves on the Texas Public and Higher Education Committee (among others) and her background is one of educator and community activist. Before she was elected to the Texas House of Representatives, she was a college professor at UT-Arlington.
A sobering moment for me was when Sutton, who prosecutes cyber-crime, pornography, and sex offenses (among other federal crimes), warned my students to be careful when they’re online. He recounted a chilling story about a case in Dallas in which a small “mom and pop” organization had 70,000 subscribers to its child pornography Web site (which brought in about $25 million a year). Roughly 1 in 7 children are preyed upon when they’re online in the safety of their own homes. As great of a tool the Internet might be, it is still a dangerous place for unsupervised children. So parents, put your computers in a centrally located room, like the living room, where kids can be supervised online.

Government benefits from the Internet and its countless powerful and emerging tools for communicating and organizing constituencies. Citizens mobilize online to help countless causes and non-profits. And the more we Tweet or book Facebook time around the world, the more able we will be to make our own decisions about our counterparts on other continents (who are remarkably similar to you and me, it turns out).
The Ambassador said these tremendous movements and interesting financial times have produced a greater demand for transparency, honesty, and accuracy in government communications. People want to know more. They expect more from the institutions that receive tax dollars (and the schools that receive tuition checks). Our country’s actions should align with our ideals. People want to know what’s being done: where, when, and how much it cost us. And people want to know their voices are being heard.

The panelists answered thoughtful questions about the constraints of communicating in their unique jobs, balancing personal values with sworn duties, and public service as a career choice. They left my students with a challenge to never stop seeking truth. They encouraged students to analyze and research ideas; to consider many news sources and read opposing viewpoints. One student asked Mr. Sutton how to become a better communicator. He said, “Be yourself.” He’s right. The rest will follow.
Our discussion was scheduled to conclude in an hour. All four panelists stayed past 9 p.m. (the two-hour mark), and Justice Willett and Mr. Sutton stayed for the entire three-hour class. They answered every last question and offered to be a resource to any of the students who might have additional questions about public service.
I’ve been marveling about this panel, and all the knowledge it imparted. Collectively, the speakers represented about 100 years of noteworthy public service. I was moved by the magnanimity of that moment — by the rare and candid, heartfelt discussion. My students have no idea how lucky they were to have the undivided attention of four spectacularly kind, intelligent, and passionate public servants for three hours on a Tuesday night. But they will someday.
Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith (1897-1955) said, “Public service must be more than doing a job efficiently and honestly. It must be a complete dedication to the people and to the nation with full recognition that every human being is entitled to courtesy and consideration, that constructive criticism is not only to be expected but sought, that smears are not only to be expected but fought, that honor is to be earned, not bought.”
Now is not the time to skimp on words: what this country needs is strong communicators
Recent reports suggest that many U.S. organizations have reacted to the recession by cutting budgets and employees in their communications, public relations and public affairs divisions — a decision that stems from a belief, often at the top of an organization, that such areas are non-essential.
Yet during any period of crisis, the opposite is actually true: The greater the crisis, the more vital the need for leaders to engage and communicate with internal and external audiences (employees, shareholders, analysts, consumers, media, opinion leaders, regulatory agencies, governments, and the general public).
Clear, consistent messages promote trust, confidence and loyalty. Perception is a powerful force that can dramatically impact a business bottom line. The leadership of any organization would do well to keep the lines of communication open during any critical decision-making or action-taking process. It’s equally important to relay known facts and decisions as information becomes available.
Experts in marketing and communications point to the benefits of advertising products, sales, money-saving tools and financial services during a recession. One solution to the communication gap — especially for organizations that have already made budget cuts (and those looking to save money)– is outsourcing to firms that specialize in communications and public relations.
Small and independent firms have less overhead, and therefore can offer better prices and personalized service. Corporations that bid on government contracts or receive taxpayer dollars earn incentives and win bids when they work with firms that are certified woman-owned, minority-owned, and disadvantaged businesses (WBEs, MBEs, and DBEs).
The pool of talent in small, independent companies continues to grow as highly skilled professionals with subject-matter expertise strike out their own. And contractors cost less than full-time employees in terms of taxes, training, benefits and resources.
I’ve worked in the field of communications for 18 years, as a print news reporter and editor and a government press aide; as a White House speechwriter and corporate public affairs director of executive communications; and now as a business owner. I have seen the salvationary effect of consistent, honest communication. And I have seen the failure of strategies that call for being forthright only when the law requires people to be.
If outsourcing isn’t a viable option, then deploying strong communicators internally must be the alternative. Organizations must focus today on hiring, promoting and developing talent with communication skills throughout the ranks of both leadership and staff.
It boggles the mind that people place more value on a good pair of shoes than they do on the caliber of their words or the content of their Web sites. A good friend at the White House Writers Group once told me that some leading ladies pay their fashion consultants more than their speechwriters. I marvel about what that says about their priorities. So long as they look good, who cares if they sound good? As long as you’re keeping up appearances, there’s no need to provide much value or substance. Sound familiar? Sound like a few mighty corporations that have fallen of late?
Welcome to the 21st Century. Innovation is reshaping societies and ideas on a global scale, while average folks struggle to make sense of it all. Technology is growing faster than a speeding government, it’s more powerful than a local server; it’s able to leap entire generations in a single bound. What does it mean? It means, simply, that communicating with people matters more than ever. People want relevant, useful information from organizations and leaders they can trust. Organizations must embrace these values — change or lose leadership, employees and audiences. History doesn’t matter. Size doesn’t matter. People with courage, integrity and strong communication skills matter.
A recent report on research, training, and organizational development stated, “As it becomes increasingly difficult to obtain and retain top performers with strong leadership experience, organizations may find their greatest asset — their workforce — in jeopardy.” The report, which included comments from hundreds of HR professionals and line managers from North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Brazil and South Africa, highlighted growing concern about ill-equipped employees who assume higher-level positions due to a lack of available talent. “If businesses continue to ignore the oncoming leadership gap, they may see devastating consequences,” the report warned.
A research scientist who worked on this project said, “Companies should be concerned, because poor leadership can have serious top-to-bottom ripple effects, from employee burnout to under-performance of the entire company.”
Today, those who strive to communicate (which means both listening and talking) will come out ahead of the competition when the country recovers from this economic downturn.
There’s a message in this madness. Are you willing to listen — and deliver?
Case Study: Dryel can hang the competition out to dry with ads that target the newly budget-conscious
I recently saw a commercial for Dryel (a home dry-cleaning product), and I had one of those “Aha!” moments. Dry-cleaning is one of the first casualties of a household budget during a recession, and that’s a problem for all those “Dry Clean Only” garments in our closets.
For Dryel, penny pinching times present an opportunity to reach an important audience: Upper-middle and middle-class Americans (and Canadians) with a wrinkle in their dry-cleaning budgets. Dryel has a cost-saving solution for that growing pile of “Dry Clean Only” clothes in the hamper.
And someone on that company’s executive committee realized that now is the time to spend money on ads that put Dryel in front of an emerging market. People may try Dryel now because they have to. If the product is good enough, though, people will buy Dryel later because they want to.
I looked at the company’s Web site statistics, and there was a substantial spike in traffic in October 2008, when news of the recession was really starting to hit hard. I suspect that their website will continue to have higher-than-usual traffic as people start looking for ways to save money…and Dryel makes an effort to show them a different dry-cleaning solution.
So listen up, all you companies out there who are cutting your advertising and marketing budgets, take note. Now is not the time to stop communicating with your audiences. Now is the time to, in the words of character Jean Luc Picard, “Engage.” (Thanks Jim Mitchem, advertising guru and expert on the high-impact use of the color orange, for sharing the video, below, with folks on your blog.)
I’m going with these guys, Fantasy Football or NOT!
They might even be able to keep up with my three-year-old. He’s THAT fast.
Marvelous ad campaign by the Discovery Channel
50 People, One Question
Fifty People, One Question: London from Crush + Lovely on Vimeo.
My answer: at Sarah’s house in Hayle.
Howard bless you, Mrs. Hughes